Borg can Increase Annual Business Revenue all around 2% -5%
Borg has been appreciated by its customers for its ability to deliver promises while solving key challenges in to day-to-day process. BORG gets operated with certain standard operating procedures (SOP) & drive enterprise on its own way.
Due to its simplicity & flexibility in configuration and operation, most of enterprises implement very smoothly within very short span of time.
As heading indicates, Borg ensures increase in revenue from 2% to 5% based on complexity of processes if compliance is ensured.
How Borg enhances annual revenue of an enterprise?
1. Periodic compliance audit
BORG does also conduct monthly & quarterly compliance audit throughout the subscription period thus we provide full support to our customer unlike others which differentiate us form others all the way.
Moreover, Compliance audit boosts customer confidence in Business Digital Transformation & customer gets opportunity to work with industry experts.
2. Create Business Ecosystem
Borg integrates all business process for internal entities (Admin, managers, Executives etc) & external entities (Service Customers, Product Distributors, Channel Partners etc.) within a Single Application which creates transparency in the work, Remove Dependence, speeding up work, Fast Conversion, Quick delivery of orders, Professional Feel, Real time business reports etc.
Being an SMEs friendly, Borg Suite integrates 6 modules at single platform so that SMEs can overcome extra burden of managing different software for various purposes with single company such as for Accounting, Sales, Service, Inventory, Supply chain Management, Human Resources.
Borg is integrated business software reason being it is cost effectiveness, easy to manage, easy to coordinate, easy to evaluate company performance, easy to manage single software vendor etc. . In case of separate software, Enterprise can’t be fully optimized & there must be leakage somewhere in the system. To avoid system leakage, Borg Suite has become one of the India’s leading cloud application for SMEs.
Apart from Module Integration, Borg also integrates Auto Communication wherein enterprise can send auto SMS & Email Notifications / Alerts to their customers, prospects, distributors & Team to build strong bond with the company.
Being integrated, Borg also optimizes business, manages processes & generates analytics for business as a whole.
Borg Integrates Following Modules currently & working to bring more in the interest of SMEs.
- Accounting & Finance (Sales Invoicing, Purchase Bills, Expenses, Banking)
- Sales & Marketing (Lead Capturing, Tracking, Follow-up, Distribution etc.)
- Service Desk / Helpdesk for Service Customers
- Inventory & Supply Chain Management
- Human Resource (People Management)
Various different entities login interface with Single Application-
- Login Interface for Employee
- Login Interface for Managers & Decision Makers
- Login Interface for Service Customers
- Login Interface for Distributors
- Login Interface for Channel Partners
Goodpick technologies is committed to give better & better for SMEs with very cost effective.
3. Optimise Business Processes
Goodpick Borg Removes some old processes & adds some new process in order to ensure multiplication of growth of an enterprise which is called optimized business processes. Every Business needs optimization for efficient operation & Management to remain healthy & profitable.
It’s very challenging for SMEs to be profitable & keeping growth pace is even more challenging for every business. Managed Processes, systematic culture &effective performance evaluation system make any business profitable.
A key challenge being faced by businesses in this competitive and dynamic world, is how to remain managed & connected with their customers, prospects & team members.
Some of the common reasons for organizations to opt for Goodpick Borg Software Suite in order to optimize Business process based on Standard Operating Procedures.
What Business Optimization does for your Business-
- Improve efficiency: Borg eliminates manual data entry, reduce process cycle time and reduce manual routing.
- Improve effectiveness: Borg handles exceptions faster and better & Real time Borg’s analytics enables to make better decisions in right time.
- Allow to keep Connected with customers: Borg Integrates auto communication as a medium of regular communication.
- Speed up & Ensure high lead conversion: Borg removes various gap among sales team members & prospects. Auto communication gives emotional connect to prospect for enterprise.
- Bring Professional Feel: It develops professional feel among team members & all other stake holders.
- Increase Customer retention: Borg helps enterprises to increase customer satisfaction level.
4. Manage Day-to-day Business Process
While auditing, it’s found that Most of SMEs are either having several repeated or overlapped processes which is depleting energy of system & costing more. So, Borg Removes repeated & overlapped processes in the business operation & develops Standard operating Procedures which enhances business revenue.
Processes are at the heart of the business. As such, business transformation or business improvement can only have visible and lasting value if it is affected at the process level.
Process management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, techniques and systems to measure, control, report and improve processes with the business goal to meet customer requirements profitably.
Goodpick Borg Suite is a software tool equipped with various techniques by well experienced industry veteran & provides the mechanisms to effectively monitor, manage and communicate business process within an organization to deal with these challenges.
In addition, business process review with the help of real time analytical reports is an ideal opportunity to review current internal controls embedded in the business processes to ensure that the controls are optimized. Borg Suite ensures that there is maximum benefit at the lowest cost out of the investment.
Effective Business Management delivers a lot & few of them are listed below-
- Simplify Business Operation
- Easy to track
- Increase efficiency of Team
- Result oriented processes
- Quick interaction among all stake holders
5. Automate Notification & Alerts
Being a competitive edge, every organization needs to be connected with their customers regularly. Borg Suite has been fully integrated with notifications & alerts throughout the entire application. Apart from this, for service enterprises it always remains a challenge to satisfied customers without any systematic exchange of communication.
Borg Suite Service desk is an effective tool to serve your customer with greater satisfaction. Borg Service desk facilitates Online ticketing system, chat for rapid action on highest priority calls, entire ticket conversation is recorded by borg itself & registered email ids at both ends.
Few Examples of auto notifications & alerts integrated with borg suite:
Overdue payment, Prospects greeting alerts, customer welcome mail, generation & Closure of service requests, request of order etc.
Sales & Marketing Auto Communication:
Prospects get Greeting Email & SMS once detail is captured by BORG either Manually, Missed Call, Website or online Campaign.
Sales Personnel receives follow-up reminder for each lead on the day of follow-up set by him/her.
Designated sales Personnel who may be CEO / COO / Director / Partner receives daily Lead Summary email alert of the day.
Designated sales Personnel receive SMS alert on reporting of leads by missed call.
Prospect receives predesigned Welcome mail once gets converted into customer. Direct Quotation can be mailed to prospect / Customer on single click.
Payment gentle Reminder mail to customers after their due date.
Thanks SMS & Email to customer after receiving the due payment by company once new ticket is opened, SMS alerts is sent to company’s designated configured mobile number.
Once ticket is closed by the company, Customer is well informed instantly about ticket closer by SMS.SMS & Email alert is sent both customer & company before expiry of contract to remind for renewal of the same.
6. Generate Analytical Reports
Analytical reports offer both information and analysis, but they also include recommendations. Offering recommendations is the biggest difference between informational and analytical.
In order to grow in the right direction to achieve set goal of the enterprise, it is must to have analytical report card on hand to evaluate the performance of team, individual & company as a whole. Reports play great role in decision making to manage process and optimize business.
Borg suite generates 75+ analytical reports automatically which help decision makers to analyse from many aspects.
Few examples of Borg analytical reports out of 75+ are as mentioned below-
- Lead Reported vs. Lead Converted by Sales Individual
- Lead Reported vs. Lead Converted by Demography
- Lead Reported vs. Lead Converted by Campaigns
- Company’s real time balance sheet & Profit and Loss Statement
- List of Receivable & Payable top 10 Most sold Products
- Reported Service Ticket Employee Leave & reimbursement statistics
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